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Number Descriptions


0 is significant because everything comes for nothing. When a number is followed by the “0” it becomes ten times stronger. Zero in “10” gives it ten times more courage and strength.  


Balanced: one stands alone, independent, leader, confident, self-sufficient, original

Unbalanced: stubborn, arrogant, lazy, low self-esteem, low- confidence, ornery

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Sue Coffin
August 1, 2024 · added an event.

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Missing letters in a name is significant when reading a chart. It's talking to a Numerologist about challenges.

It's not uncommon for me to read charts missing eight because H, Q, and Z are not common letters in a name.

Missing 8: Your values place little importance on money and material possessions, indicating a non-materialistic outlook. However, at some point, it will become necessary to cultivate financial independence and the skill to manage finances independently. Unfortunately, due to your imprudent handling of resources, you may experience significant fluctuations in your financial situation. It can be difficult to heed advice, but you must recognize your limitations and be grateful for those helping you.

Let me know what letters are missing in your name.

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Although I initiated this group in the summer, I was unsure about the direction I wanted to take it. Nonetheless, I am thrilled to begin this community that will provide individuals with a more profound comprehension of numerology. In full honesty, this is an opportunity for me to understand on a deeper level what you are curious about, so I encourage you to ask any questions and share your stories. Let's learn together!

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Hi Everybody,

I'm checking in to see how you all are doing. It's a beautiful day here in Maine.

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Good Morning,

I had an exciting morning with the orbs. So please check out the video.

I had a really nice reading yesterday and we got on the subject of the number "9" She has a dislike for that energy. Let me explain.

It's the last number I study so it contains all the energies. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=36 so 3+6 +9 So it's the all-or-nothing number.

Nine is the Humanitarian, but when unbalanced it can become all about drama and being the victim.

Do you know a nine person?

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I am in a 7-month. My calendar day is 22/4, which makes my personal day 29/11/2. This makes for a pretty high vibrational day, and I caught it on camera. ❤️

Deborah Newman
Deborah Newman
Aug 22, 2023


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During this mornings walk I was compelled to take a couple of photo's. Thank goodness I listened to my intuition.

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