For those of you who are following along weekly, you may remember my recent blog post about the energy of the letter “O” and that it is one that always has Curious Sue, curious. It doesn’t often come up as names starting with “O” seem to be rare. I asked my readers to send in any “O” names they had experience with so together we could gain more insight.
My colleague and friend, Darlene, wrote in with the name, Olivette.
So, this week let’s revisit the letter “O” and talk about Olivette. If I was to meet her I would start my conversation out by asking about her family and home as these are priorities for her. Olivette is devoted to the ones she loves and wears her heart on her sleeve. She has a tremendous amount of intuitiveness that guides her. However, I suspect she doesn't even realize how intuitive she is because this natural gift is deeply ingrained in her soul.
She only has tolerance for up front and honest people and can spot a dishonest person in a heartbeat. She is a hard worker, enjoys responsibility, caring for others, and being the protector of her people. Olivette needs to be careful that she doesn't take on to much responsibility. Slowing down and stopping to recharge her own batteries is important as sometimes she doesn't often realize how much she gives. Letting others do for her doesn't come easy, but is something she needs to learn for the sake of her own well-being. Olivette is strong willed and determined in nature.
At the end of my reading and conversation with my friend Darlene regarding “Olivette,” I asked her how it resonated. Her reply, “You are right on as usual. She is one of my numerology students!” The letter “O” may be rare but, numerology always validates the energy!
Darlene and I are the only practicing Numerologists in the State of Maine that I know of. She is a wonderful Numerologist which I have had the pleasure of working with. She offers multiple classes in southern Maine and is a Mentor in Numerology like myself. I hope you take the time to visit her website.
Thanks Darlene for an opportunity to explore my curiosity a bit further!
Have a letter or name that has piqued your curiosity? Send it to me to read, visit my website: or text (207) 907-5446. Confidentiality is highly respected, so your name will not be used without permission. Follow my blog to see if your question is featured and answered.
Remember to visit to make an appointment for an in-depth personal reading.